“I think what makes Bravewell so effective is that we are all able to embrace the vision that we can accomplish more together than we can alone.”

— Bill Sarnoff, Bravewell Member

How Bravewell Worked

As an operating foundation, The Bravewell Collaborative chose and managed its own initiatives, all of which supported the advancement of Integrative Medicine by creating and translating emerging knowledge into broad practice. It did not solicit proposals or make grants. Instead, Bravewell members worked as a community to identify, plan, fund and oversee the carefully chosen strategic initiatives.

To further leverage the strength of collaboration, Bravewell sought partnerships with like-minded institutions and individuals.

Examples of effective strategic collaboration include The Bravewell Collaborative’s partnerships with:

  • The Academic Consortium  for Integrative Medicine and Health, a group of sixty-plus highly acclaimed medical schools that deliver integrative care in their clinical centers, conduct Integrative Medicine research, and education medical students about the value of Integrative Medicine.
  • The Duke Clinical Research Center at Duke University and now the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, to create and manage BraveNet, the first practice-based research network in integrative medicine.

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